80s-90s… twisted-pop! cheesy hip-hop… trashy-rock! retro-disco… glam-n-kitsch! classic-indie… soul-remix! momma’s-motown… pappa’s-punk! sing-your-soul-out! lift-your-funk!
DJ’s DAPittsburgKid and NEIva Dark host a revolving roster of your favorite djs & friends-playing-dj every week! like…
SOFTrock RENegades!
SAVannah! (DJ iPhone)
DJ SLOane!
and many more!
each BLASTing their own SUPer-sweet MADE-for-the-MASSES ANTHEMS from the LAST 5 DECades!
Open bar 10pm-12pm -or- Open bar 9pm-12pm for the first 200 to RSVP.